Monday, 18 February 2013

Ideas for sale!
Step By Step Approach To Inspiring Personal Creativity 

By Nelson KORKOR 

“Ask any Chief Executive in the world to write down a top –five wish list, and we guarantee, that more ideas – better ideas will show up

The quote above attributed to Harvard Business Reviewers Hargadon Andrew and Robert I. Sutton could not have been put in a better way. Every great accomplishment we was once a little idea. Every business, church, organization or association started with an idea. Multilateral companies all started with a single idea. Best selling books, Oscar award winning films, were simply born out of an idea. A simple idea can translate into great into greatness both for an individual and an organization.
Creativity involves the search for ideas that result in the efficient and the effectiveness of a system. The net effect is the conversion of opportunities into marketable ideas for a business venture. The objective of creativity is to provide the platform to explore viable opportunities. 

The Essence of Fresh Ideas 

You need ideas to start a business. Ideas are also relevant in the growth, expansion and the re-engineering stages of every business. Organizations that value ideas have been noted for playing a leading role in their field of business. Really, in a competitive landscape, you can’t do without ideas. Getting recognized and promoted at the workplace somewhat has a link with one’s ability to come out with creative ideas. People who regularly generate great ideas command respect at the works place and in turn put value on themselves and become great assets to their firms.


Considering the fact that ideas can transforms one’s life and business in a very dramatic way, one may ask; so where do business ideas originate from? How do they occur and what does one need to do to ensure a continuous flow of winning ideas?  Here are a few suggestions for you:  

1. Extensive Reading

I have heard it said that the one who can read but does not read is no better than the person who cannot read. Regularly reading newspapers, especially business ones like the Business and Financial Times and other reputable business books, magazines, newsletters and newspapers , fires the imagination and releases ‘idea generating hormones’. Many great people in business actually got their business ideas from simple reading.  I learnt Prince Kofi Amoabeng reads the Economist every week. That does not mean on cannot get ideas if he does not read business books. It is not a must but it helps great deal. Motivational and personal development books are also veritable tools that helps one come out with creative ideas 

2. Ordinary Conversations 

Ordinary conversations with colleagues either at the workplace or virtually anywhere can create the avenue to pick up new ideas, and this is how this works. People generally, love to complain and share their pain. The interesting thing however is that, most often the problems people talk about have inherent big business opportunities that the casual observer may not be able to sense. It takes the individual with the entrepreneurial mindset to sense and jump on emerging business opportunities. 

3. Listening to Sermons on Tapes 

To be very frank with you, this one of the main avenues for which I get creative ideas. Yes, business ideas can pop out during sermons in church or anywhere.
That is not all. Business ideas also come through listening to certain kind of songs. I know a friend who cannot work to his best when reggae is not on. He just cannot do without it! Guess what, that is how he gets his business ideas and delivers results. For some people, it is Gospel music or R&B and what have you. The challenge here is to regularly nurture these times and get them often so you can be at the cutting edge of what you do. 

4. Purposeful Travelling 

Travelling also provides the opportunity to experience and observe firsthand what people are doing in other countries. We have had several initiates in Ghana for instance which was concept that was borrowed forum other countries. A classic example is the many reality shows that we have in this country. Traditionally, Ghana is not noted for reality shows. What we cherish and admire is plays, but the story is different today.
Travelling also helps you explore other ‘untaught of’ business opportunities. There are businesses bring done in other countries which may not necessarily do well today in Ghana but a creative person can sense that opportunity and prepare for its eventual implementation when the time comes.
Let me also single out that living abroad for a period of time makes one more prone to sensing business opportunities. One of the reasons why business executives travel so often is actually to get ideas for starting a new business or improving an existing one. The purpose could for a conference or exhibition. Mo Ibrahim got the idea for Celtel whiles on the way for an ICT conference in Geneva.. 

5. Curiosity and Imagination

A curious attitude and a strict sense of observation is perfect bedrock on which creative ideas grow. When you are burnt on always asking the questions: when, where, which, why, what and how, you increases your chances on stumbling on creative concepts.
The ability of the mind to be creating pictures and ideals that do not exist as though they did provides another way for avenue for doing things differently. Systems and processes can improve if people within an organization can go on the lookout for better ideas. 

6. An Inspiring Passion

You can’t get ideas for something you are not passionate about. What you are passionate about will lead you to make astonishing discoveries that can bring about improvement in the provision of a service or an enhancement of a product or system. The desire to achieve a set target or can also lead to amazing discoveries. Often people make discoveries by accident whiles pursuing an original idea which has nothing to do with the new discovery. 


In a world where opportunities are travelling at the speed of light, it will take only those with the entrepreneurial mindset to sense and seize emerging business opportunities. The interesting is that one does not need to take a course at the University of Ghana Business School or Harvard University or in order to be able to become more creative.  One single idea that transform your life and business for good. 

Struggling businesses can experience revival. You can take your business to another level by simply having enough time to think through your marketing strategy, operational systems, HR and even the overall corporate strategy.
If I were you, I will start right away!

Enjoy the rest of the week!

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