Monday, 13 April 2020



(Upcoming publication by Nelson Semanu & Elizabeth Boandoh-Korkor (CA).

Does prayer really matter in business? How does prayer affect the success or failure of a business? How does regular company morning devotion contribute to organizational success and effectiveness? How does prayer affect organizational decisions such as hiring and firing staff, operations, marketing and public relations, financial planning, organizational restructuring and re-engineering and much more?


Our latest publication seeks to answer all these and more! Having had a stint with some of Ghana’s biggest brands for some years (my wife still does, though) and now as entrepreneurs, we've gathered experiences that we believe would be worth sharing to readers on the subject matter.

Indeed, there are people [including some believers] who argue that one does not need prayer to succeed in business and they based their argument on the fact that billionaire entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Mike Bloomberg, Mark Cuban, Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, Warren Buffet, do very little prayer (if any at all)....when it comes to business. Some even argue that prayer really makes a difference, then Christians should have become some of the leading Billionaires in the world.

Such people argue that passion, commitment, hard work and industry knowledge just to mention a few are all a person needs to make it in business. As you should know, this is a complete "half- truth"'...because these things do not necessarily guarantee business success. If indeed, business knowledge alone and been smart was all that one needs to do well in business, then we wouldn't see highly successful business people often consulting all kinds of mediums in their quest to for business success.

There must be something more! Probably, spirituality becomes more crucial as you grow bigger in business!

That notwithstanding, the fact that some people can succeed in business without depending on God (and prayer) does not mean believers should do same. Indeed, believers must play a different game. Remember that Jesus said "Without me, ye can do nothing ..." That includes business! Mark Zuckerberg may not depend on the Holy Ghost through prayer but that does not mean you must do same. You are different! You have a kingdom assignment to fulfil~ not just to make money!


Does God care about HR, Marketing, PR and Financials issues in your company? Yes, He does! In fact, He has ideas that can transform your entire business. But He needs your invitation through prayer! God would not jump into our business without our invitation! He can’t break the principles He has set Himself! We must invite Him through prayer.

Of course, knowledge and skills matter a lot in business success, too! We are not discounting that at all. Our focus in this book, is to help you combine the two effectively. Entrepreneurial success for the Christian is a powerful combination of relevant knowledge, skills/expertise and as well as prayer and dependence on God.

The point is this: we need to understand that God hates it when we sideline Him in the things we do, including our businesses. Remember, a believer who does not need God's help to succeed in business and any other aspect of his life cannot please God. Every aspect of a believers’ life including business must be anchored on faith. We must learn to trust and believe God even in business. It's scriptural!

In this book, you will discover amazing results of Entrepreneurs who prayed to God and how they got ideas that transformed their businesses. You will also read about others whose business collapsed and how God helped them to rise from failure to success through prayer and dependence on God. You will read about why some Christians fail in business and how others succeeded.

The authors explain several reasons why Christian business people need to take prayer more seriously. Two of such reasons include:


Entrepreneurs, Professionals and leaders in the marketplace would continue to be targets of the devil simply because, when they succeed, they can impact positively on the kingdom of God. This also means that the devil may not worry you much if he knows that your success in business would not impact on the Kingdom of God directly or indirectly. As Christian business people, our success in business is a threat to the kingdom of darkness. Every believer in the marketplace will face opposition from the camp of the enemy. You should therefore not be surprised when the devil launches attack on your business. This is one of the reasons why you need to sink prayer into your business. We need prayer to make our businesses profitable and sustainable.


In fact, if education alone were enough to make a business successful, then we wouldn’t have a case of very educated business leaders consulting mediums and joining secret societies in order succeed in business. There must be something more! They are very much aware that business at the highest level is more spiritual than physical. Unfortunately, many Christian Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders are yet to make this discovery!

Another reason why a believer must prayer for his business is because, the knowledge we get in school is limited. There are several challenges that will confront you in business which you won’t find in textbooks on business or economy! Most of the Harvard-educated business people have failed to rescue organizations including large asset-based financial institutions from crumbling.

While it is never a bad idea to get master’s or PhD in business administration, there are problems in business that cannot be solved with that knowledge. Once again, we wish to emphasize that as an Entrepreneur or Corporate Leader, there are challenges that will confront and make non-sense of all your business school knowledge. You need something higher, which can only be found by speaking to God about your business. As you pray, God can download things into your spirit which can turn things around!

The upcoming publication is written for Christian Entrepreneurs, Leaders of Multinational Corporations, Managing Consultants, Emerging Technology Entrepreneurs and High-Level Government Officials.

Aspiring Entrepreneurs can also learn valuable lessons from this powerful book.

You will be inspired to build a formidable business beyond human comprehension as you divulge the content of this great piece.

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